The Parallel Process…

In the world of Human Services (and other professions), the parallel process is stressed. The concept is that as the operation of the agency affects how clients or families operate in their home.

For example, with home visiting, the supervisor is attentive, reflective, and supportive to their staff so that when the staff member goes into the home-they will also be reflective, supportive, and attentive to their families they are serving. In return, the hope is that the caregivers of the family will be supportive, reflective, and attentive to their children.

This parallel process is reflected in our relationship with God as well. God, the Father, loves us freely, forgives freely, and extends grace frequently. He does this as we accept Him. He does this as we ask Him. We, in return, are called to love others freely, forgive others freely, and extend grace to others frequently. As we do these things, perhaps others will do it in return. Perhaps as you love because you are loved, others will come to love God through Jesus Christ.

The next time someone makes you mad, frustrates you, or hurts you-remember the power of this process. Remember how you are loved without reservation. Remember how ALL our sins are forgiven. Remember the grace you freely receive everyday.

We know it’s hard to love and forgive those who are your enemies. It’s hard to extend grace to the same person about the same thing over and over again. But lean on the Lord for that strength, lean on the Lord for that encouragement, and lean on Him because He loves you and cares for you!

The parallel process in Christ helps you tell the world about Christ’s love and power! This process helps us to remember how we are loved and forgiven by the Lord. This process helps His name be spread around the world!

Tell the world about Christ with your love, forgiveness, and grace!

Peace and Blessings

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