The Mission…

Most professions have a mission statement. Doctors have the Hippocratic Oath. Police officers are sworn to protect and serve. Each branch of the military have their own mission statement. Every position within the organizations has been created to serve the mission of the agency. Think about your job or career? It is in line to serve the mission of that organization, but does it serve YOUR mission?

No matter your profession, your lives have a purpose. We have been created for a mission. What is your mission statement? Is everything in your life crafted around your mission statement? The beauty of the body of Christ is that while our operations may vary, our mission is same: to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And why do we minister? It’s found here:

Each our ministries are beautiful and unique but all exist to elevate Christ and to submit to the Lord our God. Your blog can disciple. Your artwork can disciple. Your nonprofit can disciple. Your hobbies, your integrity, and the way you care for your family can disciple.

Everything in our lives must draw us and others to Christ. Your self-care gives you the energy you need to illuminate Christ. The food you eat serves as fuel so that you can continue to do the work of the Lord-so that you can make disciples. The clothes you wear can disciple as well.

The mission cannot be forsaken and we must be vigilant about the mission. We must evaluate and dispose of anything that does not represent the mission of Jesus Christ in our lives. We must ask the Lord to help stay true to our assignment in Him.

So, my friend, what’s your mission statement?

Peace and Blessings

5 thoughts on “The Mission…

  1. This is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!! It makes me feel like a soldier showing up for battle. We have a mission and daily we are to work toward accomplishing it! You have no idea how this has impacted me!! It has been a powerful refocus for me.
    God bless you sis (fellow soldier 😊) keep on writing and being a blessing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This post is such a blessing my sister. It is a joy to be a messenger and a missionary for Christ no matter what form that takes. Thank you for this blessed reminder of that; may I, may we, never forget it and give God all the praise for His grace which enables us to serve Him and that is evidence of our gracious Salvation through Him!

    I wanted as well to thank you for your condolences for me and my family and for your congratulations for my marriage. I accidentally deleted my comments on the website and wanted you to know that it was well received and acknowledged. You are a blessing to me my sister and to all of us here as well. May the Lord continue to bless you and Gods ministry through you. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

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